pondelok 4. januára 2016

Quotes II

Kde bolo tam bolo, raz dávno urobila bloggerka príspevok v ktorom spojila fotky spolu s jej obľúbenými citátmi. Ten príspevok sa jej samej a rovnako aj jej verným čitateľom veľmi páčil, preto sa rozhodla napísať jeden taký zase :)

Once upona a time there was a blogger who wrote post with pohotos and her favourite quotes. She and her followers liked it so much. Now she is there with another post like this. Hope you like it! :)

 She leaves a little sparkele wherever she goes. -quote from pintrest

There is beauty in everything,  just not everybody sees it.- Andy Warhol

It feels good to be lost in the right direction. -quot from pintrest

She was like the moon - part of her was always hidden away.

Some books you read. Some books you enjoy. But some books just swallow you up, heart and soul. -Janne Harris

Ktorý citát máte radi vy? :) 
What ´s your favourite quote right now?

piatok 6. novembra 2015

F a l l

Fall is almost over but it doesn't change the fact that it is one of the most wonderful time of the year. Leaves are changing colors and people- I thing they are trying to smile more as usual. When I came back home from school I took few photos. Hope you will like it :)


Jeseň je takmer za nami, ale nemení to nič na tom, že je to jedno z najkrajších období z celého roku. Listy menia svoju farbu a ľudia - tí sa tiež snažia usmievať akosi viacej. 
Keď som prišla domov zo školy, našla som si čas a spravila zopár fotiek. Dúfam, že sa budú páčiť :) A nezabudnite si užiť jesennú atmosféru kým sa ešte dá :)

What is your favourite season? 

Aké ročné obdobie sa vám páči najviac? 

piatok 29. mája 2015


One song.
Positive vibes.

We're all falling and we need a place to hide
A safe place in THE WOODS, where we can start the fire
All we know is that would be our home
We will stay 'till the break of dawn

The cold night takes us to a place to escape the chill
Top top, somewhere in the woods, on the hill
Wake up, feeling the cold in between our toes
Is there a way back? Nobody knows.

And we live it all behind
Can't you see we need some time?!
And we all sit around the fire,
We feel a little warmer now
And we all sit around the fire,
We feel so much better now!

[instrumental break]

And we all sit around the fire,
We feel a little warmer now
And we all sit around the fire,
We feel so much better now!
-Hollow coves, the woods

Dnes len narýchlo.
Relaxujte pri texte tejto super pesničke a fotkách z môjho víletu do neďalekej dediny :)

Whats your favourite song? 
Aká je vaša obľúbená pesnička? 

streda 29. apríla 2015


I missed to be a bloggerka so much.
Now I am here with new post.

I love Bardejov. Its a very beautiful city in Slovakia. There in centre of city are many beautiful houses and few shops. There is forest air too because near city is nice forest :) If you like ice cream try to visit little café called oáza. When you are thinking about roadtrip try to visit this cute city.

Hope you enjoy photos.


Ahoj. Naozaj mi chýba byť bloggerkou a preto som sa rozhodla vrátiť späť. A rovno aj s novým postom a textom aj v slovenčine.

Nedávno som bola v Bardejove. Je to jedno z mojich najobľúbenejších miest. Cítim sa tam ako doma. Veľmi sa mi páči stáť v centre mesta a obdivovať tie roztomilé meštianske domčeky, radnicu a kostol. Na tomto meste je skvelý aj čistý vzduch ktorý v mojom meste trochu chýba :D. Ak by ste mali chuť na zmrzlinu nezabudnite zájsť do skvelej cukrárne oáza :) Keď rozmýšľate nad tým, že si spravíte nejaký roadtrip skúste Bardejov ;)

Užite si fotky.

~xox Sofia~

streda 28. januára 2015

Hashtag food

I really love this post in other blogs so I  here with one.
I am not very good at cooking but photos of food are one of my favourite. Let me show them :)

štvrtok 1. januára 2015


Few days ago I was in Budapest. Its nice city but I dont feel like at home here. I miss something. Maybe my exceptations were bigger. I dont know.
But I loved "Shoes on Dunabe". My favourite photos are from this lovely place.

piatok 26. decembra 2014


It was afernoon. I was walking to my aunt when I saw it. Beautiful sunset and road with cars. It was so simple so beautiful. In this moment I can't believe it was our city. My hometown. That's the short story about girl who first time fall in love with city she hate brefore. Sorry but my english is not so good. 

Merry christmas and happy new year :)